
Nationalmuseum stockholm


Nationalmuseum is Sweden's museum of art and design. Nationalmuseum is also a government authority with a mandate to preserve cultural heritage and promote art, interest in art and knowledge of art. The collections comprise of painting, sculpture, drawings and prints from 1500-1900 and applied arts, design and portraits from early Middle Ages up until present…
Rian designmuseum

Rian designmuseum

Rian designmuseum focuses on industrial design, fashion, craft, traditional handicrafts, and architecture.Smyckoteket is Rian's collection of contemporary jewellery with the mission to make art jewellery more known and more accessible. Smycketeket works as a public library for art jewellery. Here you can borrow a wearable piece of art from the collection, wear it for two…

Röhsska museet

Röhsska museet, tidigare Röhsska konstslöjdmuseet, är ett kommunägt museum i Göteborg för mode, design och konsthantverk, som invigdes 1916. Röhsska museet fick 1997 av staten i uppdrag att nationellt samordna museerna för design och konsthantverk